Archives for May 2023

Keeping Your Car Young in Waukesha
May 28, 2023
As Waukesha consumers, we live in a disposable society. It's amazing all the stuff we throw away.New stuff comes out so fast in Wisconsin, and much of it is fairly cheap, so we just toss the old and move on. It seems like when we were kids our parents were real sticklers about taking care of our ... More

Sniffing Out a Problem
May 21, 2023
Your parents probably taught you to have common sense. When it comes to your vehicle, common scents can also come in handy. Different smells may tell you about some conditions in your vehicle that need attention. For example, you know what rotten eggs smell like. If you smell them around your ve... More

ICE - In Case Of Emergency In Waukesha Wisconsin
May 14, 2023
When accidents occur in Waukesha, Wisconsin, the victims' emergency contacts are extremely important. Too often, those involved aren't able to provide rescuers with phone numbers and medical information.When Wisconsin police and rescue workers must sift through pockets, glove compartments, walle... More

The Need for Speed (Wheel Speed Sensor Maintenance)
May 7, 2023
Today's vehicles have some pretty amazing technology in them, including a computerized braking system we all pretty much take for granted these days. Antilock brake systems (ABS) have been around for years but they help drivers stop in much shorter distances reliably than ever before. When you ... More