The Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Waukesha Guide to Tire Specs
June 25, 2023
You know you need new tires, but you're not sure what type. You look at a tire to get the size: 225, 50, R, 16, 92, H. All the way to the Waukesha service center you keep repeating it over and over. You even say it over in your mind while waiting in line. Then you get to the counter and the mana... More

Coolant/Antifreeze Service in Waukesha, Wisconsin
June 18, 2023
Waukesha auto owners may know that most automotive failures in Waukesha, Wisconsin, are tire related, but do you know the second most common cause of vehicle failure? Nope, it's not teenagers. It is the coolant system. But if you take good care of your vehicle coolant system, it will take good c... More

Automotive Tips from Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Waukesha: Air Conditioning ? Common Problem
June 11, 2023
Your auto air conditioning system cools and conditions the air in your passenger compartment when you are driving around Waukesha. It also removes moisture from the air to keep your windows from fogging up.A common A/C problem for Waukesha drivers that visit Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Wauke... More

Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Waukesha Often Asked About Premium vs. Regular Gas
June 4, 2023
Waukesha residents often ask the question: "Will using premium gas make my car run better?" The answer is simple. But first, let's talk about what exactly premium gasoline is.Different grades of gasoline have different octane ratings. Regular gasoline has the lowest octane rating and premium the... More