Distracted Driving
November 17, 2024
When asked, most people think they are good at multi-tasking. Scientific studies, however, reveal that only around 2% of the population can truly demonstrate the capacity to effectively multi-task. For the rest of us who are not so biologically wired, no amount of practice can increase our effect... More

When You Hear the Crash in Waukesha: What to Do After an Accident
December 10, 2023
Motorists in North America drive about 3 trillion miles/4.8 trillion kilometers every year. There are over 250+ million licensed drivers, and approximately 6.2 million accidents happen every year. Unfortunately, if we're going to drive vehicles, there are going to be accidents. Knowing what to do... More

ICE - In Case Of Emergency In Waukesha Wisconsin
May 14, 2023
When accidents occur in Waukesha, Wisconsin, the victims' emergency contacts are extremely important. Too often, those involved aren't able to provide rescuers with phone numbers and medical information.When Wisconsin police and rescue workers must sift through pockets, glove compartments, walle... More