Steer Clear of Power Steering Problems (Power Steering Maintenance)
January 5, 2025
We usually take our vehicle's easy steering for granted until something goes wrong. Power steering is what makes it almost effortless to turn the steering wheel, aiming your vehicle in the direction you want to go. Without the assistance of power from the engine, steering would be a laborious pr... More

Steering You Right (Power Steering Fluid Service)
September 22, 2024
Its important for safe driving that two of the most important systems in your vehicle work right. One is the brakes. The other is the steering. Nearly all vehicles on the road have some sort of power steering that allows you to direct a very heavy machine with little effort. There are two ty... More

That Squeal is Telling You Something (What Causes Squealing While Steering)
June 2, 2024
If you hear a squealing noise when you turn your vehicle, it's trying to tell you something is wrong. After all, it never made that noise before, right? The sound you hear may becoming from a few sources. Let's take a look (or a listen) to some of the possibilities. First, you almost certainl... More

Get Where You're Going with Power Steering Service in Waukesha
April 28, 2024
Today we're going to talk about power steering service in Waukesha. If you took an informal poll around Waukesha you'd probably find that most vehicle owners have never heard of power steering service. That's not surprising. Even though power steering is standard on every vehicle, most people in ... More

Defensive Driving in Waukesha, Wisconsin
November 12, 2023
There was a man in the Waukesha area who learned that most car accidents occur within a mile of home so he moved. (Just kidding!)When we think of defensive driving, we often focus on our local Wisconsin highway situations. The fact of the matter is we need to be just as careful close to home i... More